Anne Townsend

Anne Townsend

With a distinguished career spanning over two decades, Anne Townsend brings unparalleled expertise in cybersecurity, smart cities, and urban transportation management to the Rekor Systems board of directors.

As a Senior Principal Cybersecurity Engineer at The MITRE Corporation, Townsend has been at the forefront of cybersecurity and smart city initiatives. Her role as MITRE's trailblazer for Smart Cities and Cybersecurity has positioned her as a thought leader in the industry, with a strategic mindset and strong communication skills that have driven business growth and technical management.

Townsend's technical strengths are deeply rooted in security controls, including NIST 800-53 and ISO standards, frameworks such as NIST CSF and NIST SPs, cyber systems engineering, ransomware, data security, IoT, and emerging technologies.