May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023
Rekor's Letter to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Supporting the ITS Integration Act
On March 9th, 2023, H.R. 1500 - Intelligent Transportation Integration Act was introduced in the House of Representatives. The purpose of this act is to establish a program to use anonymized data from third-party entities to inform infrastructure planning decisions and to improve transportation management capabilities and efficiency on Federal-aid highways, and for other purposes. Rekor strongly supports the passing of H.R. 1500 and has shared the following letter of support with Chairman Sam Graves and Ranking Member Rick Larsen of the United States House of Representatives. The contents of the letter are below.
Dear Chairman Graves and Ranking Member Larsen,
The purpose of this letter is to share that the leadership of Rekor Systems, Inc. strongly supports the passage of HR 1500, the ITS Integration Act. This bipartisan legislation, introduced by Representatives Garret Graves and Salud Carbajal, takes necessary steps toward ensuring we use digital tools, such as data, to operate more efficiently, effectively, and safely on American roads. We urge you to move this legislation through the Committee.
NASDAQ listed Rekor Systems, Inc. is a trusted global authority on intelligent infrastructure providing innovative solutions that drive the world to be safer, smarter, and more efficient. As a provider of comprehensive, continuous, and real-time roadway intelligence, Rekor leverages AI, machine learning, and holistic data to support the intelligent infrastructure essential for smart mobility. With its disruptive technology, Rekor delivers integrated solutions, actionable insights, and predictions that increase roadway safety. So, as you can imagine, HR 1500 is essential and supports companies like Rekor in using technological advancements to make our roadways safer and more efficient.
This legislation directs the United States Department of Transportation to leverage protected, secured, and anonymized third-party transportation data to inform transportation planning and real-time traffic management. The ITS Integration Act reinforces and expands upon data and technology's crucial role in ensuring a safe and efficient transportation system. Implementing this bill will help save lives, manage congestion, and improve freight and supply chain efficiencies, all while increasing American competitiveness on the global stage.
We must strategically invest in digital infrastructure in the country, not just concrete, and this bill does precisely that. Our nation’s transportation network is poised to derive significant benefits from the utilization of transportation data that this bill requires, and we encourage the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to move quickly to move this legislation forward. Rekor stands ready to be supportive however we can.
View the Signed Letter